Wellcome, I'm Destaw!

A FullStack Developer

My General Status

Since I start programing I have done and delivered some projects for the customers. All of them are happy with my Services/ Projects.

Happy Clients , These number of customers are satisified by using my proucts.

Projects , Thank you projects. This is got from my customers

Years of experience direct codding , In my career I have done a lot of very important technological projects in addition to programming for these period of time.


React JS
Node JS

Additional Skills

QGIS, Autocad, Civil-3D


My Compulsive Educational and work experiences .


Destaw Berie

I am a Full Stack Developer with almost a two years of experience, specializing in ReactJS. I have extensive experience in developing and deploying websites by utilizing various open-source packages as well as Content Management Systems (CMS).

I have extensive experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various open-source frameworks such as NodeJS, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Python, C-Sharp, Firebase. In addition to my development work, I am also doing different projects on different areas by using Python(Pycharm) and C# languages. Also I'm best in troubleshooting problems and resolving bugs within an existing system.


Full Stack Web Developer

since Augest 2022

EvangadiTech Colombia, USA

Learning both Front-end and Back-end website development techniques - Working with other additional programming languages like React, Python, Node, AdobePhotoshop, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.....

MSc in Industrial Control Automation Engineering

2017 - 2022

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I earn my masters degree from Addis Ababa University on control automation specialization

BSC in Electrical & Computer Engineering

2012 - 2016

Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I earn my BSc degree from Addis Ababa University on control automation specialization

Windows Server 2012 & 2016

2018 - 2019

Broad Wing Software company, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I earn my Software Training certificate from Addis Ababa University on control automation specialization

Professional Experience

Fullstack Web Developer

2021 - now


    Successfully designed and host
  • Apple Website.
  • Amazon Full stack and deployed on Firebase.
  • Zoom Clone and deployed on Heroku.
  • and other parallel Projects

Road Safety Expert (@ YERSA)

Since 2021

Client: Youth Ethiopia Road Safety Association

Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

  • Working as technology designer and developer, road safety trainer,
  • Coordinator on community mobilizations on roadsafety improvement in Addis Ababa Ethiopia based on YERSA’s working strategy.

Traffic Center Operator-II (@TMA)

2020 - Present

Client: Addis Ababa Traffic Managment Agency

Address: Addis Ababa Ethiopia around to Megenagna

  • Working on Intelligent Transportation Science planning and design
  • Traffic Signal control code writing.

Traffic Center Operator-I (@TMA)

2018 - 2020

  • Successfully designed and delivered human resource management system by using C# and SQL server.
  • Make and delivered the contact system the whole company employees, which will make the work easy to all secretariats of every directorate to access every contacts of employee needed on the server.
  • Deliver fully completed annual leave management system by using C# and SQL server.


My completed and deployed projects.

Netflix Website

Netflix Movie Series

Zoom Clone

Zoom Meeting

Amazon Clone

Amazone Front End

Apple Website

Apple Website

Amazon Clone

Amazone Full Website


People who knows me well, have something to say about me.

Destaw is very hard worker. As his team member he always doing a great and inpirational things in our team.

Yagersew Wudie

Network Admin @TMA

If anyone ask me to mention one self-confident and responsible staff-member, in my directoret i will say Destaw with full of trust and confidence.

Getish Fikadie

Matlab Programmer and Lecture @ DBU

Besides demonstrating good knowledge in data science, Destaw had very good working experiance and clear communication, with every individual on our team, which is not always easy!.

Kirubel Efrem

Data Analyst @TMA

Besides his hard-work, Destaw is good at fixing different programming problems. Shortly he knows what he looking for to fix any bugs.

Yenealem Nibret

Freelancer and programer in MIU

Destaw is a real conflixt handler. Even if we are at the same age i always get inspired by his view on solving some social problems.

Getaw Dejen

Cyber Security Team-Lead and Fullstack Developer@INSA


I appreciate your reaching out, for more detail informations about me, you can use the following addresses.

Online Address

you can also contact me by social midias showed below.

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
6kilo Menen road

